Grieving is a natural reaction to significant emotional loss of any kind. Such losses can include death and divorce as well as heartache, retirement, moving to a new town, the death or loss of a pet, changes in finances or health, and more. As each person and relationship is unique, so are the feelings and thoughts each individual might have about the losses life can bring.
Our founder, Danielle, is a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist through the Grief Recovery Institute.
The Challenge
Although grieving encompasses emotional responses to loss, what we learn about dealing with loss is often intellectual.
Messages we often hear about grieving might include time heals all wounds, it is best to grieve alone, be strong, don't feel bad, replace the loss, or keep busy.
The myth that "time heals all wounds" suggests that someone who is mourning a loss simply has to wait and they will feel better. Some might feel that not only had time not healed their pain, it had in fact compounded it.
The Sollution
Recovery from loss is accomplished by discovering and completing all of the undelivered communications that accrue in relationships. We are all advised to "Let Go," and "Move On" after losses of all kinds. Most of us would do that if we knew how. Completion of pain caused by loss is what allows us to let go and move on. It is almost impossible to move on without first taking a series of actions that lead to completion. Before taking the actions to complete, it is important to look at and often dismiss some of the ideas or myths that we have tried to use with loss, but which are not working. If you have experienced loss and you wish to move beyond the pain, this program offers you the probability of a richer and more rewarding life.
Warm Heart Family's special pet loss services are geared toward recent mourners of animal loved ones. We understand the great amount of care and unique connection that is shared between a human and their pets. The amount of quality time and experiences we share with them can make us feel like we are losing a companion. From scrapbooking to nature walks to group grief support, Warm Hearts Family pet services can provide you with methods and support to ease the pain of your loss.
Robert lost his dog, P.J., when he went on vacation and left P.J. with friends. As the friends were painting their house, they left an exterior door open a crack and P.J. got out. Robert was distraught. He felt powerless and guilty for having left P.J. in the first place, even though there was no way he could have predicted or prevented what ultimately happened. Warm Hearts Family pet loss support helped Robert and his family cope. We contacted the proper authorities, posted on Facebook groups, hung up flyers, and did all we could to make sure Robert felt active in searching for P.J. in addition to providing emotional support.
When sadness comes to you, we are here to help you learn from it rather than close your eyes and run from it. Emotional weight can sometimes feel daunting. We want to help you walk through the pain and find healing so your life can again feel enjoyable and productive.
Listening to and acknowledging pain and suffering can transform your life and replenish your soul. With support, you can learn to embrace peace and heal the heart that is tender. You will be left feeling empowered and complete.